Re-celling Prices
Stick Battery..........2.0Ah NiMH..........WE
DO RE-CELL..........$199
Note 1 - Original (OEM) PowerLite batteries were manufactured using Li-ion 2.4 Ah cells. Li-ion battery packs have not been re-celled previously using Li-ion cells with any measure of success due to the lack of availability of new cells to do the work. Most re-cellers were using surplus lap-top battery packs and salvaging the cells, which were usually too old already to give a good performance. We are now able to attain brand new Li-Ion cells at a much higher capacity than OEM cells originally used by TRIMBLE. These re-celled packs will last longer between charges (at least 8 hrs) and give a much longer life-span than previously re-celled packs. We strongly recommend you send us only previously un-opened PowerLite packs as these will give the best results. Previously opened PowerLite packs with a radial cut around the tube will require a different process and an extra $20 fee will be charged.
Note 2 - In some Power Sticks, the cells get loose inside the tube and eventually break the connections in the pack resulting in a sudden no-power condition of the pack. These connections can be repaired and cells secured in the tube.
Note 3 - While attempting to charge the battery, if the red light appears, the battery is most likely defective and cannot be re-celled.We repair Trimble 5601 5602 5603 5605 4700 4800 3305 3303 3602 3603 3602 3603 battery pack batteries.